ISRT Academic clubs

1) Academic club is the fundamental unit of ISRT, aiming professional and academic development of Radiological Technologist.
2) The activities of Academic club is limited to the particular region or city.
3) Academic club can organize regular lectures, presentations,regional CME programmes,exhibitions,Soft skill development programmes etc.
4) Academic clubs will be functioning under the guidance of state chapter/ Professional development secretary of ISRT. Club should abide the rules and regulations framed by ISRT time to time.
5) For starting an Academic club in your area a minimum 10 ISRT Life Time members are required and they will submit a request letter for seeking support from ISRT for starting the unit.
6) Name of the club should be, ISRT Academic club + place name ( eg: ISRT Academic club Trivandrum).
7) Office bearers of the club shall be ISRT Members. Committee can be as follows;

  • a) Patron
  • b) Chairman
  • c) Vice Chairman
  • d) Secretary
  • e) Joint Secretaries
  • f) Finance Seretary
  • g) Executive Members

8) One time financial assistance may be provided by the central committee after getting approval.
9) Club should find out its own finance and may seek assistance from local medical dealers.
10) Seeking financial assistance directly from medical companies are strictly prohibited.
11) It should conduct regular academic classes at least once in two months.
12) Two topic presentations, one quiz competition and group discussion must be included in each program.
13) Official medium should be English.
14) Club should support ISRT & ALARA in all manners.
15) Mementos as well as certificates should be given for presenters.
16. Club should convene general body meetings every year along with annual day celebrations or independently.
17. Term of the committee will be two years.
18. Club should report its activities and financial transactions to the state chapter/ Professional development secretary of ISRT without fail.
19) No separate logo should be sued, clubs can use ISRT logo.
20) Club should act as a catalyst to increase the number of ISRTians.